Hey everyone!
As you probably know, I work with pregnant teens at Gateway
Woods. These girls are usually underprivileged and lacking in basic necessities
needed to raise children. Other, less tangible things such as financial
stability, food on the table, and unconditional love are often lacking as well.
Gateway is able to provide for their needs but many times
these girls are thrown a baby shower due to generous families, foster parents,
or caseworkers. Right now, one of our residents is expecting twins in February
but there is no one able to provide anything for her. She has done very well preparing for her kids
through Gateway’s clothing room and rifling though resale shops but she is
lacking some major things.
We would really like to offer her something to make the road
ahead a little easier and we feel that she would benefit from a double car seat
and stroller combo. The stroller we are looking at is a Graco amounting to $334.95.
While we never wish to condone lifestyles that led to unplanned
pregnancies, we are obligated as members of Christ’s Church to show these girls
His mercy, love, and compassion. This certainly does not always mean a monetary
gift but right now we would love to show these characteristics in a tangible
We entreat you to
prayerfully consider donating for this resident and pray that her heart would
continue to soften and be malleable in the Potter’s hands.
Thank you living out Mark 16:15 with us!