Friday, December 10, 2010

My Wonderful Husband

So, Dustin was reading our blog the other day and complained that I "never" do an update on him. So here is an update on Dustin. I don't know what I would do without him! He is my everything and does so much for me! I could pretty much ask for anything and if he can get it or do it he will! God blessed me with a wonderful man! Our insurance company has a program that he has conquered in the past month. If you qualify for this program and lose 10% of your body weight they send you a check for $500!! He started the program in mid September and successfully completed it mid November! 3 MONTHS!!! He lost 24 lbs. for the program, but has lost more since then! I'm so proud of him and am amazed by his will power! He did way better than I would have ever done! And now if he keeps this off for a year he will get another check. This time for $1000!!!! I'm just so proud of him! So, that's an update on my man! Thank you God for blessing me with such an amazing gift! I love you babe!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sickness Go Away!!!

I hope the past week isn't a look into what this winter is going to hold for our family. Starting last weekend, Dustin had sinus problems and wasn't feeling the best. Then on Saturday, while we were still in Roanoke, Caden came down with a little stomach bug. It wasn't horrible, but he just didn't feel right all day. He did throw up twice, but it was very small. I think Libby got a small touch of this, cause she wasn't 100% herself on Sunday. We were going to stay for church on Sunday, but when Cade and Libs weren't feeling the greatest, we decided it would be best to head home. Well, on the way home, I started to feel a sore throat coming on. I got a headache that night, but hoped that a good night sleep in my own bed would cure it all. I thought wrong! Monday and Tuesday were pretty rough for me. Headache, sore throat, fever, achy stuff. Also, on Tuesday Josie came down with what Caden had. She threw up twice, but again it was hardly anything. She was just really tired and cranky that day. By Wednesday mroning we were all feeling better and I was praising God that things were headed in the right direction. Thursday Josie got more fussy and wasn't sleeping through the night and by Friday morning she had developed a high fever. Oh my, does it ever end. We pushed fluids and kept medicine in her, but it didn't really help. On Saturday morning, she woke up and was burning up again. So I thought, forget this, I'm taking her to the doctor. So glad I did!! We found out she has a double ear infection. Poor baby, no wonder why she was so fussy. The rest of the day she was still fussy and probably was her fussiest last night about midnight. Oh, and when all this was going on with J, I had noticed that Libby was very quite all day, but didn't really think anything of it. Well, Dustin felt her around supper time as thought she had a fever. Sure enough she did. So we got some meds in her and she did pretty well the rest of the night. She went to bed about 9 and J finally fell asleep a little after 1am!! Libby slept till 10:45 and J is still sleeping and it is noon! Libby woke up her old talkative self! Praise God! I went in to check on J and felt her and she seems to have no fever. I'm hoping she will wake up a new baby! So, that is all that has went on at our home in the past week. This was also our first week on duty with out our wonderful assistant Abby. We will miss her so much! Please pray for Hickory House as we adjust to life without the help of Abby. God Bless!