Saturday, December 5, 2009

So I thought it was time to update again. We have been so busy, the last two weeks have just flown by. We went home to Roanoke over Thanksgiving. It was a nice trip home and we had a lot of fun spending time with family. Dustin and I went shopping on Black Friday together. It wasn't as horrible as I was expecting and I managed to get some pretty good deals. Target and Kohl's were the worst, so we just didn't even try and look. I think that I enjoyed just spending some quality time with my hubby alone more than the shopping. After shopping, I met my old roomies at Panera to have lunch and catch up. It was wonderful to see them again, even though they all weren't there. It just brought back alot memories. Good times!
The day we got home we went on duty at Hickory for a four day stretch and then had a maint. day which consisted mostly of meetings. Now we are on at Pine for a four day stretch. This is a new adventure for us, as we have never worked in a co-ed house but we are really enjoying it. Man o man the difference.....girls are just so full of drama and when you put seven of them together you just have WAY TOO MUCH drama! It has been fun to just experience another house. I will have to say I was quite nervous about coming into a house with kids I didn't know very well, but they are doing a great job.
We are looking forward to a couple days off though. Hopefully I will be able to get some Christmas shopping done and our Christmas pictures taken and sent out. Oh, and my house decorated! Our tree is up, no ornaments though, and our stockings are hung. That's about it. The kids are excited to finish decorating!
My pregnancy is going good. I had a sono yesterday and baby girl is measuring just on schedule. She weighs 4lbs. 5oz. Seems so tiny. I am getting anxious to meet her! I think Caden will have a harder time adjusting to life with a little one than Libby will. We will get though it though. I have stopped trying to potty train. He did so well without a diaper but we can't have a naked little boy running around all the time. I just don't think he's ready and I don't want to push him. I have come to accept the fact that I may have two children in diapers again. Life could be worse.
I hope all of you are enjoying this holiday season and remembering the true reason for the holiday. It seems like we can get so wrapped up in the commercial scene that we forget the real reason. One of the things that I want to stress to these kids is just that. That the real reason we have Christmas is for Christ. Before I can do that, I need to check myself and make sure I am living what I am teaching. Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Angie said...

yay for new posts! i am getting anxious for Christmas...i think we need to do some day after Christmas shopping! :)